Prior to launching branded packaging into the market, artwork needs to be created, approved, and released. This process needs to be carefully monitored to ensure quality and compliance.
Tired of getting lost in space with e-mails, loose attachments, and manual Excel status overviews? Squareflow keeps the overview and includes a powerful online validation toolkit to approve the content and technical specifications of your artworks. Our built-in comparison technology also allows to automatically compare files, or even native text in any language or alphabet.

Your benefits:
- Simultaneous validation: every user is looking at the same artwork
- Shortens time to market
- Clear and unambiguous process
- SquareFlow manages the approval flow automatically
- No distribution of PDF files or paper proofs necessary
- Less time consuming and fewer errors
- Gathering of KPI’s and Business Intelligence

As a brand, your proprietary assets are the most valuable currency you have. But do you give access for your team? Is everyone using the latest version? Are you sure these valuable data are protected and stored in a safe place?
The answer is Digital Asset Management (DAM).
DAM simplifies everyday processes such as searching for files and sharing them without hassle. All your assets are nicely stored in one location, directly available for sharing with users across the world. And you get piece of mind knowing they are in a safe place.
But there’s more: ask us to connect your DAM to customer endpoints, such as your website, an e-commerce site or digital product catalogue.
Square Links simplifies the re-use of your brand and product information, ensuring brand and product consistency across channels.
We offer advanced content management solutions or easy-to-use “Smart Forms” for text and translation management.
Square Links benefits:
- Artwork automation for packaging, catalogues, …
- Automatic capturing and distribution of content and images to GDSN data pools
- Faster artwork process, no copy/paste errors, optimisation of your resources


From colour to substrate!
We identify and mark your most important design elements on the artwork file. From quality to printing expectations: instructions for printers were never so clear!
The online platform automatically calibrates the printer’s spectrophotometer to guarantee reliable print measurements.
The platform automatically sends a job report as soon as the print run is completed. All data is stored and gathered in period reports for ongoing printer benchmarking.
Your benefits:
- No need for costly press attendances across the globe
- Any print run can be controlled, not just the first one
- Objective monitoring of print quality
- Crystal clear instructions for printers
- Helping printers to improve print results.
- Easy to use and self-explanatory.
- Allows for printer benchmarking
- Automated print reports and dynamic dashboards